“Cislunar Space” – Air Force Magazine

“Cislunar Space” – Air Force Magazine

The gap between Earth orbit and the moon is open, uncharted, and undefended.

Not much human activity has touched the moon or its surroundings in the half-century since American Apollo astronauts traversed the lunar landscape, but new concerns about China’s interests and motives have leaders in Washington viewing with worry the vast void of cislunar space.

China’s rapid evolution as a global space player and its announced intention to join with Russia in building a joint science base on the moon, raise concerns about what that kind of activity could yield in terms of future capacity to act and potentially wage war in space.

NASA plans to return American astronauts to the moon for longer periods to a base of its own, as the U.S. gears up its competitive drive in space. And governments and private entities the world over are eyeing the moon as a potential source of mineral wealth or as a place to position communication or space transportation hubs.

Cislunar space—that vast void between terrestrial orbits and the moon—represents both an opportunity and a threat because it is not only empty, for the most part, but essentially indefensible. At least for now.

Honoring Veteran’s Day

Honoring Veteran’s Day

We honor and salute all those who have and continue to serve our country, Happy Veteran’s Day! We are proud that our work in the space industry can support those who serve to keep the country safe.

May we continue to work together to support the progress and our people. We see the continued brilliance through innovative technology and the endless possibilities as we collaborate creatively to develop and discover space for all. Thank you, Veterans, for the freedom to do so.

Seeing our flag held high, proud, and waving freely by this soldier at the recent Special Forces Foundation event is symbolic of the freedom each and every person in uniform defends. We are truly grateful for the freedom our Veterans allow us to enjoy. Thank you for your service.

Supporting the 2021 Special Operations Cup

Supporting the 2021 Special Operations Cup

Featured Image: Bradley Cheetham, Rex Laceby of Advanced Space and Ignacio Garza of the Special Forces Foundation proudly pose in front of the sponsorship banner for the Special Forces Foundation fundraiser supporting soldiers and families of combat wounded soldiers and those who gave the ultimate sacrifice of life.

There are days and moments that humble you and yesterday was one of those days. We were honored yesterday to support the Special Operations. Hearing and reading the phrase “Humans are more important than hardware.”  Often sacrifices are only attributed to the soldiers who serve the country through their military service, but yesterday reminded us that serving our country is also carried out by the families of soldiers – the moms, dads, children, parents and siblings, the Gold Star Families, who are also affected.


Cislunar Orbit Determination and Tracking via Simulated Space-Based Measurements

Cislunar Orbit Determination and Tracking via Simulated Space-Based Measurements

Michael R. Thompson, Nathan P. Ré, Cameron Meek, Bradley Cheetham


Building on previous work in cislunar orbit determination at Advanced Space, this paper demonstrates cislunar orbit determination via simulated optical measurements from another spacecraft in cislunar space. The goal of this work is to evaluate the potential performance (in terms of the uncertainties in the state of a target object) of space-based optical tracking filters in the vicinity of the Moon.

Presented at the Advanced Maui Optical and Space Surveillance Technologies (AMOS) 2021 Conference

Advanced Space Celebrates Confirmation for ESCAPADE – Twin Mars Mission

Unique mission design aids in success of the science team

Westminster, CO (August 23, 2021) Advanced Space is pleased to be a part of the team led by the University of California, Berkeley, on the NASA Escape and Plasma Acceleration and Dynamics Explorers (ESCAPADE) mission. Advanced Space has supported ESCAPADE’s mission design through many design cycles, seeking ways to make this new approach to planetary exploration successful. The Advanced Space team not only ensured ESCAPADE is set up for success but also performed under a tightly constrained schedule. ESCAPADE has now been confirmed by NASA in the Key Decision Point C review. This critical review assessed launch readiness based on the preliminary mission design; the confirmation means ESCAPADE will progress to launch.  (more…)